(To be announced) LRC Professional Development Grant. Columbia University.
Extraordinary PhD Award (Premio Extraordinario de doctorado). Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Outstanding Presentation Award. 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Education. Mahidol University. Thailand
Seed Grant for Mahidol University research development.
Scholarship to attend AEPE´s International Conference in Ávila.
Scholarship to attend ASELE´s International Conference in Jaén.
2011– 2014
Fellowship to participate in Program for International & Cultural Cooperation between Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Gambia. University of The Gambia. (Cancelled in April 2012 due to the Spanish Economical Crisis. The recipient of the Scholarship continued the work withouth financial or gubernamental support).
Fellowship to participate in Program for International & Cultural Cooperation between Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Barbados. Univesity of the West Indies.
Master´s Program Scholarship. Granted by the United Nations International School.
Fellowship to participate in Program for Visiting Teachers organized by Spain´s Ministry of Education and United States Government. Samuel Gompers Vocational and Technical H.S.
Best Teacher of The Year Award. Category Best teacher of the Modern Languages Department. Samuel Gompers Vocational and Technical High School.
Best Teacher of The Year Award. Category Best teacher of the Modern Languages Department. Samuel Gompers Vocational and Technical High School.
2000 - 2001
University Scholarship. Granted by European Gorvernment. University of Wolverhampton. United Kingdom.